From the potting shed - gardening tips for April

As the days grow longer and hopefully hotter, gardening conditions are improving so it’s time for getting out and about in the garden and tackling those ever persistent weeds that just love this rapid growing period.

But, it’s not all back breaking repetition for this month. Spring has sprung, the lambs are gambolling and we should be ablaze with a sea of daffodils and narcissus.

Top jobs for this month


• Now is an ideal time for planting summer flowering blubs. There is a vast range available online, from mail order catalogues and down the local garden centre. Just remember to give your bulbs a boost with some good bulb fertilizer when you plant them out. But, remember you get what you pay for when buying bulbs – so don’t sting!

• Deadhead your spring flowering bulbs but leave the green foliage as this will continue to grow for a few weeks and provide food for next year. I have also read that once the green foliage has gone over, it’s good to give the bulbs some soluble plant food which will help to boost flowering next season.

• If you’re a keen rose lover then April is the month to plant new varieties before new growth starts and buds swell.


• Why not experiment with some fruit trees or berry plants this year? This is month to select them and don’t forget they will do best when planted in full sun.

• If you have been nurturing “sow your own seeds” over the last few months either in the greenhouse or in the warm under the stairs, then check them for potting-up and pricking out to encourage growth and to avoid overcrowding.

• Remember to protect any fruit blossom from late frosts.


• If you didn’t apply a fertilizer last month an application now should help to perk it up and improve its overall appearance and colour.

• Aerating the lawn at this time of year will allow the water to penetrate deeper, help with compaction and reduce the need to water during the dryer months ahead. You can use a garden fork or even invest in a set of lawn aerator shoes

• Before you start mowing just check your lawn mower to ensure that blades are sharp. Blades on most modern lawn mowers are easy to remove and replace if needed. Keep the cut relatively high at this time of the year to avoid scalping.

And finally, the gardener’s companion says…….. Anyone who considers gnomes tacky and cheap should take note. In 1997, a garden gnome, know as Lampy and believed to be one of the oldest in the world, was insured for one million pounds.

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